New Client Information Hub
Are you new to colon hydrotherapy? Or are you just curious about what it could do for you?
Colon hydrotherapy is a very old natural therapy that has been used in the modern age since the late 1800s, but there is mention of rudimentary types of hydrotherapy as far back as the in the Essene Gospels and in the Yoga Sutras. Colon hydrotherapy was used in most hospitals and nursing homes up until the 1970s.
Many clients find that regular colon hydrotherapy sessions keeps their drainage pathways clear and maintains a level of optimum energy and health.
Learn more on our FAQ page and download our ‘What to Expect’ document for more info.
Book Your Appointment
If it is your first time, make sure to book a “New Client Colonic Session” for your first session and then choose between “40 Minute Colonic” or “60 Minute Colonic” for your following sessions.
Send us Your Paperwork
Download two pdf documents and fill them out before your session. You can either print and bring a physical copy or email us a digital copy to

We are your first stop on your journey to optimal health.
First New Client Session
New Client Package of 3
REST/FEELING DRAINED - Rest is really important to aid in your detoxing process. Many clients find their sleep improves after their colonics. Give yourself the space to relax for at least the next hour after your session, especially as you first start doing colonics. Many clients will start to feel more energized afterward, especially after about 4-6 sessions close together. Also, plan to have a bathroom nearby, just in case, bowel movements can come without much warning.
DIET/HYDRATION - Find things that are easy to digest, like a soup, stew, curry or steamed veggies after your colonic. Stay away from raw foods or red meats because they are more difficult for the body to digest. Bone broth is great after colonics, it is high in collagen which will rebuild the gut lining. Increase your fermented foods and take probiotics to repopulate your gut after your session. Stay hydrated with electrolytes; increasing your water intake can continue to help your body flush toxins.
Old stool stuck in colon; builds up over time
Parasites; chronic infections
Bacteria overgrowth; candida, SIBO
Viral infections
Heavy metals; especially helpful when taking binder supplements
Rounds of antibiotic treatments
Prescription medications you are no longer taking but still in your system
Molds; chronic infections
Drug use; helpful in addiction treatment
Chemicals from all sources (cleaners, pesticides, environmental toxins, body care products, etc.)
Surgeries/anesthesia medications/x-rays/MRIs/other forms of radiation
Botox and other cosmetic implants
Travel; flying, poor eating habits, partying
What to expect after your colonic:
Many clients are unsure of what to expect after their colonics.
It is a big endeavor for your mind, body and soul to take on, but we are right here with you through the whole process. Detoxing can be very intimidating and sometimes it is not the most glamorous of processes, but the long term effects are beyond worth it!
Here are some tips as you begin your journey and changes we have noticed in our clients after doing regular colonics over time.
DIET/HYDRATION - We recommend eating light the day before your appointment and do not eat any solid food two hours before your appointment. Increasing your fiber intake is also helpful in getting the most out of your session, so bump up fruits and vegetables in your diet beforehand. Make sure to drink lots of fluids leading up to your appointment, this will help hydrate your colon in preparation for your session. Avoid dehydrating drinks like coffee and alcohol if you can. Many clients find it helpful to fast beforehand, some do water fasts and some do juice or bone broth fasts.
Make sure you have healthy and easy-to-digest food ready for after your session. Some clients are pretty tired afterwards and it is easier to eat right when you have food ready to go in your fridge.
As we clear the colon of old waste, this signals other organs to dump their waste into the colon to be expelled. After about 3-4 sessions we see our new clients’ liver dumping bile during their colonics, usually followed by a feeling of euphoria and huge boost in mood/energy levels.
This is usually the first thing our clients notice is decreased bloating around their tummy. Colonics help remove excess gas and stuck stool that blocks gas from escaping. Regular colonics help move old stool out of the gut that ferments and causes gas and bloating.
For women, monthly bleeding is a pathway for detoxing the body. For any of our clients who have moved through menopause, colonics aid in detoxing since the body no longer has the menstrual cycle as a pathway. If you are actively bleeding, this is the best time to do a colonic because your body is already in detox mode. Many clients find this helps alleviate PMS and menopause symptoms because you can move through toxins much faster.
It is normal to feel a bit ‘out of it’ after your sessions. We liken it to how you feel after a massage when you have released a lot of tension in your body and your brain is adjusting to this new feeling of how to operate in the world more relaxed, carrying less ‘weight.’ Many clients find that over time colonics help clear their brain fog and they feel mentally sharper.
Colonics aid in the detoxing process by helping our body get rid of inflammation causing toxins much faster than it can on its own. When the body is in a less toxic state inflammation in the body goes down. Many clients report feeling less pain in their joints/back afterwards. For our clients with hemorrhoids, many have noticed improvement after regular colonics as well.
One of the body’s pathways for detoxing is through the pores of the skin and sweating. You may notice your skin breaks out for a few days after your colonic, this will subside over time. Most client's skin begins to glow after a few sessions. You may also notice your body odor changes, it can get smellier at first, but over time you will see an improvement.
Some clients report having flu-like symptoms or nausea following their sessions, especially if they are working through difficult underlying conditions. This is your body’s natural reaction to toxins being kicked up and dumped into the digestive system. We do carry supplements that can lessen these effects. Typically these reactions subside after about 6-12 sessions close together. Most clients report having much more energy and vitality after their sessions over time.
It is normal to not have a bowel movement for a few days, even up to a week after a colonic, however some client’s bowel movements increase massively afterward. Over time your bowel movements will become more frequent, longer and easier to pass. Some clients report minor abdominal cramping following their colonics at first. Starting hydrotherapy moves a lot of old, hard stool around in our colon and takes many sessions to soften and clear out.
Whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, doing regular colonics will naturally increase your fertility; when your body is cleaner and healthier, it is more prepared to have a baby.